"Integrated Project Delivery” is a project delivery approach that integrates people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that harnesses the talents, insights and knowledge of all project participants to reduce waste and optimize efficiency though the design and construction of the project.
Why is this delivery methodology important and how does it differ from the tradition delivery model ? - because traditional building programs are sequential acts performed by diverse organizations for the benefit of one. Integrated Project Delivery is a formal and specific methodology that takes precedence over individual concerns or desires - bringing the collective expertise of all project team members for the benefit of the whole. Silos no longer work – only “unbroken collaboration”.
Our Method; The Integrated Project Delivery completely eliminates the “cause and effect” gap within the decision making process of the project because the owner, management, architect and contractor work together as a single entity. Starting day one, the individual members contribute their knowledge, creativity and technology to all aspects of the project with a mutual commitment to achieving project success.
▪ Clear objectives
▪ Guaranteed project cost
▪ No misunderstandings or miscommunications
▪ Diminished problems, discrepancies, conflicts and ambiguities
▪ Project Targets and Goals are defined and achieved upfront rather than at the end